Wednesday 22 June 2011

This image for beyonce i am tour represent her a powerful yet dominated, her feature as a spectular female brings out her diva aptitude in the music business but also as a icon. The dark silhouette on the back gives the impression that this performer is powerful in her performance structure and excels at reaching fans expectations. Beyonce name on the front cover is big, bold and in capitals making her seems as a big phemoumal singer as well as a performer. The DVD symbol on the front cover also audiences to know this a DVD features Beyonce in concert of her latest performance.
The image cover for this digipak gives a synposis of the singer Beyonce Knowles on the back cover, giving audiences a in tell on her life from a member of a famous girl band destiny child and as a singer on her own. the back cover also gives a list of track and videos which features on the dvd and the cd audio, it also gives a list of websites where you can get more information on the singer and upcoming gigs and events.
the back cover also has a barcode which makes the didgipak look more realistic and also logos of companies involved within the making of the Digipak cover and Beyonce record label. the front cover features a image of the singer beyonce which pictures her a glamorous diva in her own making this superstar is internationally known as a icon and a voice for woman all over the women but keep a classy look which gives connation and meaning. the tiles features the dvd product Beyonce live in wembley.